Our Writers
We have built a professional team of high quality writers who can work effectively, consistently demonstrating our service’s high standards. We have struck a good balance with experienced writers providing cheap essays, making our service very popular among students everywhere.
Who We Employ as Writers
To be employed as a writer, each person must pass several tests to check his command of the English written language. Moreover, the writer must possess excellent analytical skills and the ability to search for information utilizing various sources. Finally, the writer must know the basic principles of academic writing and paper formatting styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, etc.). After checking for knowledge and skills, the applicant is given a test order to determine how well he can cope with a given task. One more important consideration is the writer’s willingness to become an even better writer with additional training and experience.
How We Control Quality of Our Papers
It is important that we control the quality of papers that our writers complete to keep them motivated and help them to improve their skills. For that reason, we check randomly selected papers the writer has completed, recently. In addition, our writers must pass a monthly test to demonstrate an ongoing high level of proficiency.
What Countries the Writers Are from
The first consideration when hiring a writer is that individual’s command of the English language as well as his ability to write academic papers. We want our writers to be enthusiastic and professional in what they do. With these requirements in mind, our custom writing service employs writers from all over the world. However, if you want a writer from the USA or Canada, you can stipulate so when placing your order.
How to Choose a Suitable Writer
After you place your order, we match your requirements with the skills and knowledge base of all available writers. You can be sure that a writer is available who is well-versed in your specified topic. However, you can verify this for yourself. We offer three paper samples that have recently been completed by a writer for just $5. In this way, you can make certain that the writer suits you perfectly. Another option is to request a free inquiry. If your task is unusual and you're not sure we can cope with it, just place a free inquiry and let us check whether we have a suitable writer.
Statistics of Our Disciplines
Our custom writing service shows you the real statistics of how much our customers are satisfied with what they have received:

Average customer's rating: out of 10
Based on total of customer surveys